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Competence needs and training within ATMP

What are the competence needs and training needs within ATMP today and in the future? Join us for an online breakfast seminar when we present the results and conclusions of the report from the Vinnova-funded Innovation Milieu ATMP2030. 

The Vinnova-funded Innovation Milieu ATMP2030 has now published the report ”Competence needs and training within ATMP”, which summarizes parts of the work done towards the sub-goal ”Increase knowledge and secure future competence needs”.

The report highlights and tries to provide answers to the following questions:

– What is the need for recruitment in the ATMP field in Sweden?

– What skills are in demand by the various actors in the field?

– What education is currently available and is being planned?

– What unique challenges does the ATMP field entail in terms of education?


08:10    Zoom meeting room opens

08:15    Paul Kingham will present the results and conclusions

08:45    Q&A

09:00    End of seminar


Presenter: Paul Kingham, Umeå University
Moderator: Hanna Rickberg, Läkemedelsakademin/Apotekarsocieteten

Language of seminar: English

Report summary

Recruitment needs in the ATMP field is expected to increase in the coming years, both in Sweden and globally. A survey to industry and healthcare representatives in Sweden in spring 2022 showed that they expected to hire a total of more than 500 people with specialist knowledge in ATMP over the next five years. With the exception of large pharmaceutical companies, most organizations found it challenging to find people with suitable skills.

When work on the report began in 2021, an inventory showed that the supply of available ATMP training in Sweden was virtually non-existent. Since then, several initiatives have been launched. A national graduate school in ATMP has been established, there is now a broad interest among universities to include ATMP elements in existing courses and training programs, and a number of tailor-made courses are being launched or planned.

Sweden still lags far behind leading countries such as the United Kingdom and the United States in terms of training initiatives in ATMP. To ensure the future supply of skills in the rapidly growing and highly competitive ATMP field, increased and proactive training initiatives are needed now. The complexity of the field means that training is needed at different levels, both theoretical and practical, and training needs to be adapted to the diversity of professional roles in the field.


Welcoming you to the seminar is the ATMP 2030 working group behind the report: Ewa Ellis, Hanna Rickberg, Hannah Karlsson, Jukka Lausmaa, Kristina Levan, Maria Brohlin, Paul Kingham

ATMP 2030: Working to make ‘Sweden a world leader in development and implementation of advanced therapies by 2030

Time & Place

Wednesday the 25th of September 2024
At 8:15 – 9:00

Online via Zoom

Last day to register is Sunday the 24nd of September 2024

This ATMP 2030 seminar will be recorded and thereafter available here: